Dr Nancy Merbitz

will bring change to Bartholomew County Council

Bartholomew County government has not responded to residents’ concerns for family farms, clean air and water, and humane treatment of companion animals.

The Council is shedding several incumbents this election cycle, giving new candidates like me the opportunity to make changes that will benefit our county.

We face many challenges in preserving our beautiful family farms, our air, and our water. Our incumbent county government shows bias in its ordinances and enforcement:

  • Residents of Bartholomew don’t want our air and water polluted by more CAFOs (confined animal feeding operations). They don’t believe Biosolids companies should be on the “honor system” to test for toxins and bacteria levels. They don’t want to make our county the regional center for everyone else’s human and animal waste. Also, many decrepit rental properties blight neighborhoods and countryside, earning $ for landlords who won’t follow basic codes and standards. It looks like nothing is done about these problems.

Why I’m running

·       Residents of Bartholomew County don’t want it to be known as a place with NO protections for companion animals against the worst neglect and abuse. Some people refuse to provide basic care to companion animals. Some outright abuse them with no consequences. From what I’ve heard from many people, nothing is done.

·       Meanwhile, there is governmental OVER-REACH, dictating that family farmers can’t lease their land for profitable solar panels, an arrangement that could allow dual use of the land (grazing, vegetable crops, …).

I want to restore our ability to be heard by county government. Contact me with your ideas and concerns. See my campaign address in “Contact”. Scan the QR code to read more about my background and to donate online, or mail donation by check.

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